You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequence of your choices.
The Look:
Many of you may or may not know this but, I haven' t blogged much due to focusing on The Face Competition (which is now completed). YES I AM OFFICIALLY SL's 2014 THE FACE! I logged on today and had a few offline note cards asking that I please blog the outfits I wore during the final round of face competition. I've decided that I will present a post daily until, I successfully blog the ensembles i wore. I will surely blog all fits worn the last day. On another note, I have made a promise to myself to be more humble and thoughtful about the things in which I do, and even say. Anyone that knows me knows, I have a quick temper and slick tongue. with the journey of taking my sl Modeling serious, i HAVE concluded that due to my harsh ways with words, at times I will say less of what i'm thinking directly from my head. (unless of course i am asked for my opinion) Never the less, I must go on record stating that, to anyone whom feels "THE FACE" showed any favors and or "robbed" them of their rightful winnings they are indeed very wrong. Each and every judge gave there own opinion and critique, just as each and every last contestant. For anyone to even imply someone was robbed of anything is extreme and barbarous. Anyhow i wont say anything else on this matter. as a competitor, i always allow my work, art, talent and display of fashion speak for itself. HOPE YOU ENJOY THE LOOK. CHECK THE LOOK DETAILS BELOW...... AS ALWAYS YOU CAN CONTACT ME IN WORLD UNDER QUEENTOY CYBERSTAR OR VIA FACEBOOK: QUEENTOY CYBERSTAR WITH ANY QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, OR CONCERNS <3
Wardrobe Details:
HAIR: Zibska-Epoque
Necklace: LaGyo_Malika statement necklace Gold
Head Dot: Green Bindi
HANDBAG: [7891.] Saftey Clutch - Gold&Pink
JACKET: [LeL.Ultra]-PRISON jacket/black
SKIRT: .::LD::. Full Circle Skirt - Custom- (THANKS SO MUCH loovus dzevour & vikeejeah xevion)
Earrings/Face Piece: LaGyo_Malika decor mask Gold
BRACELET:[7891.] Chanil Glass Bangle - Gold (GACHA ITEM)
NAIL POLISH: ..::Energie::.. Slink Avatar Enhancement-Fnails Basic
Top: GizzA - Cotton Tank [Grey]
Pose(s) in this photo are from Label Motion
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