I was always intrigued by the idea of bringing things together that are considered taboo or risque and bringing them together with something of high elegance and sophistication. Nothing sparks interest better then Taboo.
Life is like a diamond in the rough, every cut or break only reveals more of the beauty and brilliance we all have waiting to expose.
The Look:
CROWN: .Enfant Terrible. Crown RARE (@ THE ARCADE)
HAIR: !:Lybra:! Tosha Hair ~ Black
HAT: *SoliDea FoliEs* SoliDea/vers.4 - black
JACKET: [LG] K Collection(Summer13) Melissa Jacket
Everything in life is temporary. So if things are currently bad, don't worry because it won't last forever. If things are going great, please enjoy it because that doesn't last forever either. See life as a lit candle, you can light others with your light but sooner or later the light goes out.
the funny thing about rain is, it rains when you least expect it, at the craziest times in the darnest places. The rain teaches and molds us to be better then yesterdays storms. After all "when it rains it pours."